[. . . ] DVD Video Player MODEL DV-SV80S(G) OPERATION MANUAL DV-SV80 OPEN/CLOSE PLAY/PAUSE STOP SKIP OPERATE DVD / CD / VIDEO CD PLAYER Please read this Operation Manual carefully before using your DVD Video Player. The region number for this DVD player is 2. 2 NTSC/PAL SAFETY INFORMATION Uuvrvrpyvrvuurrvrr s 9vrpvr'(""%8 X6SIDIB) UPS@9V8@UC@SDTFPAADS@PS@G@8USD8 TCP8F 9PIPU@YQPT@UCDT@RVDQH@IUUP 9vrrBrlrvpuqr6sqrtrqr@B Svpuyvvr'(""%@XBq&"!"@XBvæ qrt ("%'@XB S6DIPSHPDTUVS@ UPS@9V8@ UC@SDTFPAADS@PS@G@8USD8 8rhpvrypqhrvtrprprrqhyr qvrpvr'(""%8 TCP8F 6I96IIP`DIBDIU@SA@S@I8@ VT@ UC@S@8PHH@I9@9688@TTPSD@TPIG ` Ghr9vqrQrvr 9vhhhhyqrhhqrrvrhqr vpuyvwr '(""%B Hhrvhy) Bh6 Xhryrtu) 9W9) %$ 89) &# @vv9hv) 8v Ghr) Hh $X Qr8qQrpv 9rrqruyqrxhrrvqvrxv '(""% [. . . ] First hit to TIME key: Line 4 -> TITLE ELAPSED Mode For your convenience: You can clear the fields by pressing the C button if you enter wrong numbers. If you attempt to enter a number greater than the total time of the current title, the time search box disappears, message is displayed on screen. If you wait five seconds without pressing any key to enter time, selecting scenes by time option is cancelled. You can press RETURN key to cancel time search. - 19 - EN Second hit to TIME key: Line 4 -> TITLE REMAIN Mode Third hit to TIME key: Line 4 -> CHAPTER ELAPSED Mode Fourth hit to TIME key: Line 4 -> CHAPTER REMAIN Mode If Time Display: TITLE ELAPSED is displayed, the elapsed time for the title is being displayed. If Time Display: TITLE REMAIN is displayed the remaining time for the title is being displayed. If Time Display: CHAPTER ELAPSED is displayed, the elapsed time for the chapter is being displayed. If Time Display: CHAPTER REMAIN is displayed, the remaining time for the chapter is being displayed. Displaying a scene with a larger and closer view The zoom in function enables you to take a closer look at the scene you are viewing that is especially a considerate function when you are seeing science fiction or adventure movie. 4x, 1/2x , 1/3x , 1/ NOTE: In some cases, the subtitle language is not changed immediately to the selected one. For your convenience: When the preferred language is not selected even after pressing the button several times, it means that the language is not available on the disc. When the player is restarted or the disc is changed, the subtitle selection is automatically changed back to the initial settings. If a language is selected, which is not supported by the disc, the subtitle language will automatically be set to the discs priority language. Usually a circulation will happen while switching to another language, that is you can cancel the subtitle by pressing this button a number of times until Subtitle Off appears on the screen. Changing Audio Soundtrack Language It is possible to change the audio language from the one selected at the initial settings to a different language, if available. (This operation works only with discs on which multiple audio soundtrack languages are recorded, if not prohibited by the DVD. ) Press AUDIO during play. NOTE: You can move in the picture i. e. change the zoomed location by using the 3 (Left) /4(Right) /6(Down) / 5(Up) arrow keys. To return to normal play Press ZOOM again. Press AUDIO a number of times until the preferred language is selected. For your convenience: When the preferred language is not selected even after pressing the button several times, it means that the language is not available on the disc. When the power is turned on or the disc is removed, the language heard is the one selected at the initial settings. If this language is not recorded on the disc, only the available language on the disc will be heard. Displaying / Changing Subtitle Language It is possible to change the subtitle language from the one selected at the initial settings to a different language, if available. (This operation works only with discs on which multiple subtitle languages are recorded. ) Press SUBTITLE during play. will be displayed Viewing From Another Angle Some DVD discs may contain scenes, which have been shot simultaneously from a number of different angles. For these discs, the same scenes can be viewed from each of these different angles using the ANGLE button. [. . . ] You can use C key to delete the incorrect entry. DEFAULT: If you choose RESET and press SELECT, the factorypresets are loaded. Parental level and parental password does not change. TRANSPARENCY: Using this option one of four transparency levels can be selected for the on screen display. NOTE: If you forget the password see page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he machine cannot play CD-ROMS etc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symbol is displayed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udio CD player, Qr Srvrr !!!#W$C 66qwhiyr Qrpv) XQPX@SPI 1"XTU6I97`qr Urs9vp Trq 9W9)TTTG !9W9$ TT9G ! [. . . ]